March 16-21 the EQEB students and faculty took a trip out to our jungle ministry site, Kumanii. They prepared evangelistic talks, crafts, puppet shows, and other visual interactive dramas to declare the message of God to the various pueblos along the Cayapas River. I was so proud of the way they worked hard in the morning doing physical labor at Kumanii, then washing up to present to at least two villages a day. During moments like this in the field you have a better idea of the group’s assimilation of teaching put into practice. I can proudly say that we have an exceptional assembly of evangelists in the making.

One of the takeaways I made from this trip is how important it is that we train ladies as well as men to serve in the Lord’s church. Like all good science experiments that have a control and test group, the group was together for the first two days, but on Saturday there was a ladies’ day at Kumanii led by Lourdes, director of the ladies’ program, and our sister students. The ladies had a great crowd of around 35 Chachi and Afro Ecuadorian sisters, while we, the men, tried to make our evangelistic campaign in the pueblo of Telembi. We managed and still got across to the children and parents of this town, however I could notice a disconnect of relation and wholeness as we made our appeal of Christ to them. Our stations to the children and young ladies were incomplete without the maternal care and especially one craft, that tells the story of the gospel while making bracelets for the young ladies. I praise God for the multi-faceted way that he uses the whole family of God to get out his message of love.

This week of service was so needed by our crew whose interaction has mostly been over zoom or masked and socially distanced within a classroom. This was the first trip that we’ve made together since the pandemic and I look forward to many more opportunities to collectively communicate God’s love on the street, or river as it may be.

Kumanii Campaign

Kumanii Campaign
Kumanii Campaign
Kumanii Campaign
Kumanii Campaign
Kumanii Campaign
Kumanii Campaign Kumanii Campaign Kumanii Campaign Kumanii Campaign Kumanii Campaign